Friday, 5 December 2014

19 days to go! A.K.A. the return of Izzy.



How are you?

I have returned.

You thought I was gone forever.

You were wrong.

And now, the weather.

In all seriousness, I am truly, eternally (sort of) sorry that I have not posted in ages. Of course, I am not entirely sure if I even have regular readers (besides you, Cath, you're still awesome) and it would be nice if I got some feedback from readers on whether I should keep this blog up and what I should do to improve it but ANYway.

IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS! So, of course, I made reindeer cookies. Behold!

These are the best tasting chocolate chips I've had in ages.

You can expect more regular posts from me as it is now the holidays and if you're new here and you like it so far, please subscribe or follow, I will love you forever.
And now, the Welcome To Night Vale Tweet of the Day

 Live Long and Prosper

 Izzy xxx

1 comment:

  1. Now I'm hungry!☺️ Yay for more izznknit! Love you ��
