Thursday, 29 August 2013

Book quotes


If you are a booknerd, keep scrolling...

There needs to be book rehab for when you finish an amazing book and are like "What is this life? Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here? AHHHHHHHHH!"


Tuesday, 27 August 2013



I am posting from the computer at school cuz I'm such a rebel! Not really I just wanted to see if it worked :P. Here are some pics to brighten whatever day you have been having :D.
Have a great day :D I have class now *gasp*


Monday, 26 August 2013

Photo A Day: Week 4


Sorry this was meant to be uploaded yesterday XD.

This weeks challenge was Hearts.

The last challenge is Anything and Everything so this week is going to have some VERY random photos ;)


Friday, 23 August 2013



GUILTY PLEASURE ALLERT: I love learning new unusual words. I actually read books that are about words (not dictionaries they use normal words).

It's not that I am trying pretentious and confuse everyone around me with my language, I just think that humans are one of the only species on earth with a proper way to communicate. Not only that, we have addapted this communication into hundreds of different languages. Who wouldn't want to take advantage of that? (it also helps you read books like Jane Eyre)

If you like using "text language" (UGH) Stop. Reading. Now.

  1. Acerbic - Bitter in taste or temper. Sarcasm can be described as Aserbic.
  2. Belligerent - Tends to fight. The womans personality is belligerent as she is very argumentative.
  3. Centripetal - Moving towards the center. The dancers movement was centripetal to the dance floor.
  4. Divisive - Creating conflict. The teachers decision to favour one of the students was divisive. 
  5. Efficacious - Efficient. The new intern is efficacious.
  6. Fecund - Productive or fertile. A woman in her twenties is more fecund than a woman in her forties.
  7. Garrulous - Talkative. The garrulous child would not keep quiet.
  8. Hyperbole - An exageration. My arm feels as if it's about to fall off.
  9. Iconoclast - A person who attacks others beliefs. By the way he disregarded the womans religion, I soon labelled him as an iconoclast.
  10. Juggernaut - A force which destroys everything in its path. The bulldozer was a juggernaut.
  11. Knell - A synonym for toll. The church bell knelled ominously.
  12. Logophile - A lover of words. I am a logophile.
  13. Magnanimous - Generous. The girl offered me a magnanimous slice of cake.
  14. Noisome - Putrid. The smell of the dead rat was noisome.
  15. Obstreperous - Boistrous. The boys playing soccer were very obstreperous.
  16. Parley - Discussion that is usually between enemies. The Germans agreed to a parley with the British.
  17. Quiescence - Stillness. The forest had a sense of quiescence about it.
  18. Restive - Restless. Soon after the train broke down the passengers became restive.
  19. Sanguine - Optimistic. The childs sanguineness was naive.
  20. Tenable - Reasonable. The headmasters decision to expell the child was not wholly tenable.
  21. Umbrage - Offense. The woman took umbrage after being insulted.
  22. Vaunted - Boasted about. The boy vaunted the fact that he had one the competition.
  23. Whet - Sharpen. The headline of the newspaper whet the readers imagination.
  24. Xenophobia - Hatred of foreigners. The xenophobic attacks were highly untenable.
  25. Yoke - Join together. The teacher yoked the children together after lunch.
  26. Zealot - Passionately devoted to something. Though unrealistic, the zealots opinion could not be swayed.
Thank you to thoses internet people that bared with me and read the whole of this post :). Please leave a comment of some of your favourite words or follow me for more of my posts :).


Sunday, 18 August 2013

Photo A Day: Week 3


This weeks challenge was rainbows and I had no idea how hard it actually is to find rainbow items XD . his is my attempt (the last pic isn't my best).


Next weeks challenge is Hearts and we have A LOT in our house :).

Until next week.


(P.S. It's almost been a year since I started my blog!)

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Photo A Day: Week 2


Week two is Kitchen Utensils so here are some very interesting forks and spoons...



Next weeks challenge is Rainbows (cliched I know but it will be interesting ;) )

Till next Sunday :D


Saturday, 10 August 2013

Pencil Toppers

I personally think pencils are too boring unless they are lumonous or HUGE! This is an easy way to make a mundane pencil feel better about itself...


You will need
Air drying clay (make sure it dries very light, you don't want your pencil to be too heavy)
A pencil

What to do
1. Take a small ball of clay and wrap it around the top of the pencil. It must be on securely or else it will fall off when it dries. This will be the body of the butterfly.

2. Make two large sausages and shape them into wings.
3. Make another pair of wings.
4. Attach both pairs of wings to the butterflies body.
5. Roll two small white balls and press them onto the front of the body. Then make two smaller black ones and press them on top of the white balls to make eyes.

6. Use a small bit of red to make a mouth (optional).
7. Roll four small balls, two of one colour and two of another, and press them onto the wings.


This is a ladybug I made,

and a bee.

Tomorrow is the second installment of Photo A Day: August!
