Saturday, 10 August 2013

Pencil Toppers

I personally think pencils are too boring unless they are lumonous or HUGE! This is an easy way to make a mundane pencil feel better about itself...


You will need
Air drying clay (make sure it dries very light, you don't want your pencil to be too heavy)
A pencil

What to do
1. Take a small ball of clay and wrap it around the top of the pencil. It must be on securely or else it will fall off when it dries. This will be the body of the butterfly.

2. Make two large sausages and shape them into wings.
3. Make another pair of wings.
4. Attach both pairs of wings to the butterflies body.
5. Roll two small white balls and press them onto the front of the body. Then make two smaller black ones and press them on top of the white balls to make eyes.

6. Use a small bit of red to make a mouth (optional).
7. Roll four small balls, two of one colour and two of another, and press them onto the wings.


This is a ladybug I made,

and a bee.

Tomorrow is the second installment of Photo A Day: August!


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