So I draw these patterns ALL the time in class (EXCUSE ALERT: scientests have proven that doodling helps you pay attention to what the teacher is saying ;) ) so today I thought I would make a bookmark out of it :) .
What you need
pencil, black pen and a couple other colours
How to make it
1. Draw some straight and diagonal lines to form a pattern and make sure you end the sequence with a horizontal line as long as your starting line.
2. Flip your page around and repeat the pattern but this time it must be backwards.
3. Repeat the pattern from the start but again it must be backwards.
4. Flip the page around again and repeat steps 1-3 on top of the existing pattern.
6. Outline everything inside the rectangle in black pen (including the rectangle) and draw a line down the center of the shape splitting it into two parts.
7. Start drawing shapes inside the different segments of the pattern.
8. Colour the shapes in black on the one side and on the other side colour around the shapes in black.
9. Make at least one shape in each segment a bright colour.
10. Cut out the bookmark leaving a white border.
These are really cool and are horrendously easy (so easy one can use an oxymoron to describe them ;D )
Tomorrow will be the first Photo A Day: August installment!
Love these! Going to get the Grd 2's to make some..